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November is National Gratitude Month

 Whether you choose to write a few sentences in a gratitude journal or simply take a moment to silently acknowledge all that you have, giving thanks can transform your life. Here are 7 scientifically proven benefits: 

1 - Gratitude opens the door to more relationships. Not only does saying “thank you” constitute good manners, but showing appreciation can help you win new friends. 

2 - Gratitude improves physical health. Grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and report feeling healthier than other people. 

3 - Gratitude improves psychological health. Gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, from envy and resentment to frustration and regret. 

4 - Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression. Grateful people are more likely to behave in a prosocial manner, even when others behave less kindly. 

5 - Grateful people sleep better. Spend just 15 minutes jotting down a few grateful sentiments before bed, and you may sleep better and longer. 

6 - Gratitude improves self-esteem. Rather than becoming resentful toward people who have more money or better jobs - a major factor in reduced self-esteem - grateful people are able to appreciate other people’s accomplishments. 

7 - Gratitude increases mental strength. Recognizing all that you have to be thankful for - even during the worst times - fosters resilience. 


ACTION: Write something you’re grateful for on a leaf and add it to the tree by the time clock. Leaves are located at the front desk. Off-site employees are welcome to email with what they would like on their leaf.

The deadline to complete is Wednesday, November 30. 

I added a leaf to the gratitude tree.

What is the monthly punch card? Each month you will have a task to complete. Complete six months and you will be marked as completing an a la carte program. Complete nine months and you will be entered in a drawing to win $25. The Wellbeing year runs from October through September.